Free SHS Ambassadors are ‘impostors’ – Education Ministry

The Ministry Of Education has denied making appointments of Ambassadors for government’s flagship programme of Free Senior High School, suggesting those parading as such are impostors.
Some members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have raised concerns about a self-acclaimed Free SHS Ambassador who was seen in one of the SHSs literally campaigning for the NPP, that the government of Akufo-Addo has appointed Free SHS ambassadors to campaign for the President.
But the parent Ministry has dissociated itself from the conduct of the person captured in the video that has gone viral.
Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Ministry in a released statement says in part “The Ministry wishes to state emphatically that government has not appointed or mandated any person or persons as Free SHS Ambassadors to go round Senior High School campuses in the country to campaign for the government of President Akufo-Addo”
According to the Ministry, it is currently conducting an investigation the video currently been circulated on various social media platforms.
“The Ministry is conducting investigations to ascertain the facts surrounding the video circulating on social media and other related issues.”
There is a video circulating on social media. In the said video some persons who claim to be Free SHS Ambassadors are hailing the Akufo-Addo government for the initiative and asking students to extend his stay on power.