Freddy Blay is the idealist and a modern politician – Christian Adu-Opoku

Freddy Blay is the idealist and a modern politician who is leaving an indelible mark in the annals of Ghanaian history?.
For the past two weeks he has come under incessant attacks by the NDC, some media houses and other civil societies. All of them are demanding answers to  following:
1. Where did he get money to buy those fleet of buses.
2. Did he do this with his own resources or what?
3. Is the party aware?
4. Did he do this to buy votes?
5. Of what benefit will the busses give the NPP .
I don’t think it is wrong for Freddy Blay to form a consortium. It takes individuals with high intellectual acumen to form one. For the benefit of those who might not be familiar with the word,
a consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organisations or governments with the objectives of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a goal.*
If the above explanation is anything to go by, then what wrong has Freddy Blay committed. In the business circles, formation of consortium is very common and those that venture into it get greater opportunities. Consortiums mostly yield positive results. This is exactly what Freddy Blay has done in purchasing the 275 buses for the various constituencies.
Formation of consortiums are based on trust and financial discipline. Banks that finance their activities go in for a win-win opportunities. Therefore Universal Merchant Bank (UMB) wiII not throw their money down the drain if they were not going to profit from it.
Based on Freddy Blay’s explanations, there is no doubt that the party is aware of it and in fact is a major player in the consortium. Of course Freddy  Blay is not a good Samaritan who will use his hard earned resources to buy 275 buses for a party without the party’s knowledge and commitment. This will have indeed be very naive and unwise.
I have heard the explanation from Sammy Awuku, the NPP national organiser. I have equally heard further explanations from John Boadu, the General Secretary. They all seem to be saying the same thing . According to the two executives, they were very much aware of the deal and in fact the party backed the idea. I therefore find it very difficult to understand the hue and cry about the deal. Why is the NDC in particular making so much noise?
When l first heard of the announcement, l was like wow!!, this is a genius idea. An idea that surpasses any process to resource Political parties to be independent of the government. This is the best approach to equip a political party at the grass-root level. Various Parties in the country have cried aloud for finance and other resources since the inception of the 4th republican constitution yet there have not been any antidote to it. If someone should come out with this genius idea, you go about lambasting him, calling him names and even calling for his head instead of praising him.
I believe, the other political parties especially, the NDC should emulate this example and stop the unnecessary criticisms.
When NDC got the opportunity they bought Mahindra Pick-ups and “Atta Camboo” for their party faithfuls. Did anybody ask them where they got the money from?. Today NPP is trying to empower its executives and some people are crying foul.
Even after the elections, does anybody still holds the view that the delivery of the buses skewed the victory for Mr. Freddy Blay?, no, l don’t think so. If that was anything to go by, then l think Mr. Blay performed abysmally, beating his opponents with about 400 votes.
Does it also suggest that Sammy Awuku and John Boadu won the elections due to the buses?, come on!, let us be serious. If the buses were to influence electorates to vote, then it did not work. It therefore stands to reason that the election results were clean devoid of any bus influence. And the NDC should  know that. NPP delegates cannot be induced. Whoever won the elections, won on merit and whoever lost, lost graciously.
Let’s give the man his due and recognise the fact that he has been ingenious and has displayed foresight in the management of a political party, finito!.
Already the benefits that will accrue for the party when these buses start operations will be enormous. When these buses are well managed, the party at the Constituency levels will be independent and very resourceful. Again, the party will not rely solely on funds from the headquarters to finance activities within the Constituencies. This is a clear display of teaching supporters of the party how to fish instead of fishing for them.
In conclusion, l edge the newly elected executives to think beyond the box as they have done now and empower the party supporters to get into projects of this nature.
I will even edge Mr. Freddy Blay and his team to provide an enabling environment for the various constituencies to  venture into the following:
1. One District one Factory policy.
2. Planting for food and jobs and the other innovative activities.
This will get party supporters busy and at the same time bring some money into their pockets.
Those who come out with innovative ideas should be supported but not condemned.

Thank you.




Source: / Christian Adu-Poku

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