Fine girls like you are vulnerable to us – Lecturer to female ‘student’

“Fine girls like you are always vulnerable to us,” says Pastor Dr Boniface Igbeneghue the University of Lagos(UNILAG) busted in the “sex for grades” undercover investigation by BBC’s Africa Eye.
In the deeply worrying exposé, the Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts is seen shamelessly engaging in sexually-suggestive, flirtatious behaviour with the undercover journalist pretending to be a 17-year old high school graduate looking to gain admission into UNILAG.
The head Pastor of the Foursquare Gospel Church invited the girl several times to his office and engaged in inappropriate conversations with her even touching her sexually at a point.
“When did you start knowing men? I mean start having sex…” he quizzed the teenager at a point, stressing that whatever happened between the two of them will be kept secret.
“Anything that happens between me and you no one will hear of it. Just feel free,” he assured the girl.
He even went on to reveal how and where lecturers romanced and smooched ladies in the University in order to favour them academically.
“There’s is an upper part in the Staff Club where lecturers take girls therr to go and smooch them and romance them… to touch their breasts…It’s a club. We call it the cold room inside the Staff Club,” he disclosed to the student.
Meanwhile UNILAG has dissociated itself from the actions of the lecturer and have denied knowledge of the “cold room”.