Every 14th New Marriage in Germany Is Same-Sex

– Every 14th wedding celebrated in Germany between October 2017 and December 2018 was for same-sex couples, according to figures from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
Destatis data sent to Xinhua showed that a total of 449,466 marriages were contracted in Germany during this period, of which 16,766 were between men and 16,138 between women.
In addition, 21,477 registered partnerships were officially converted into marriages, the newspaper Rheinische Post (RP) first reported.
Shortly after the introduction of a “marriage for all” in October 2017, the number of same-sex marriages had seen a boom in Germany, Destatis noted. In the last three months of 2017 alone, the Destatis recorded 11,147 marriages between same-sex couples.
In addition, there were 8,989 registered partnerships converted to marriages during this period.