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Eurasian Women’s Forum Underlines Empowering Women in Multipolar World

Understanding Russia’s unwavering steps toward empowering women, exploring possible pathways to unite and shape their long-term aspirations on the social and political landscape became the main focus agenda at the 4th Eurasian Women’s Forum held at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg on September 18 to 20, 2024. This forum was established to build a new and progressive women’s world, and support women to higher stage of prominence in creative, managerial and intellectual as well as political leadership.
An insight into this platform discussions underlined the fact that developing female leadership and entrepreneurship have been the main unique target, guiding young women to crucial play roles in their various societies as well as cooperating on foreign stage. Women are showing their preparedness for boosting competition and efficiency, their multifaceted issues are discussed on several platforms of leading organizations and associations. The Eurasia women forum aims at closing gender gap and initiatives are adopted towards their empowerment.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has always participated and offered forum guests encouraging words. Putin told the women that their voices were being heard and reckoned with by governments in different countries. “The credibility of the forum is steadily growing,” he said, reiterating serious steps and measures for improving the quality and standard of living for the benefit of the society. Putin described the Eurasian women’s forum as “one of the more prestigious international venues which showcases the potentials and opportunities of modern women and their colossal creative role in virtually all areas of life.”
According to Putin practical initiatives were launched during the previous forums, including strengthening of cooperation within BRICS, APEC and the Women 20 (W20), and further acknowledged that “this is women’s adherence to the ideas of cooperation and peace that makes the forum so successful and so popular, as each time it brings together more and more participants.”
The September 2024 forum themed “Women for Strengthening Trust and Global Cooperation” gathered female leaders and participants, over 1,500 people from 126 countries to St. Petersburg, the second largest city in the Russian Federation. As expected, the BRICS Women’s Forum was also held on the sidelines on 20th September as part of Russia’s Chairship of BRICS. Understandably St. Petersburg, playing the host for the fourth time, implies that Russia is an open and hospitable country. It appreciates dialogue and friendship, and has ultimate respect diversity and uniqueness of other countries and peoples, particularly in this evolving multipolar world.
According to the information monitored indicated that forum was organized by the Federation Council (the Upper Chamber of Russia’s parliament) and the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member Nations. The final forum documents are traditionally distributed to the heads of state, governments, parliaments, heads of public and international organizations, the UN and many others.
Undoubtedly women are addressing challenging social issues, ensuring economic prosperity and working consistently to overcome poverty, inequality and economic development. Some participants of the forum placed emphasis on how women can further change the world. “Women’s participation and leadership bring more enduring peace agreements, better social-protection programs and stronger climate policies,” the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, said in his video address.
According to Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, for many years now women with have been contributing to the unification of a global community. “We can raise our voices with several initiatives and should do so when the world needs unification.”
Russian Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said women were interested in confidence building and global cooperation, therefore dedicated to the preservation of cultural diversity, development of economy, technology and innovation, as well as in addressing environmental issues and achieving social well-being. In short, women are taking towards achieving sustainable development goals.
In the face of global challenges, there is an increasing need for a new paradigm, along with a renewed focus on changing attitudes to women. Women have made an enormous contribution with efforts to improve health, raise life expectancy, and improve quality of life. These are the first role as women in the family, and this is unchangeable fact in the world.
Research has also shown that women are now enjoying wide recognition. This women platform has become an effective mechanism of interaction and dialogue for women who are influencing social, political and economic decisions. It facilitates the growing participation of women’s movements in resolving global challenges.
Women have been forging alliances, and have taken up the fight, sometimes collaborating with women-conscious men and thus paving the way up to the top echelon in all economic and social spheres. Women now have associations structured from the grassroots in all countries, and up to regional organizations and to the United Nations. The Eurasian Women Association has so many innovative programmes and projects with other women’s groups and associations not only in the Eurasian region, but also in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Source:|Kestér Kenn Klomegâh