Etudur Supports Hon. Elvis Morris Donkoh’s Campaign With 200 T-shirts

Etudur Kobina Nyanteh, a former NPP parliamentary aspirant from Abura Asebu Kwamankese (AAK) has donated 200 T-shirts to Hon. Elvis Morris Donkoh, the NPP parliamentary candidate and sitting MP of the constituency.
The presentation was done at Abura Dunkwa on 27th November 2020 as part of the activities marking the preparation for President Nana Akufo Addo’s visit to the constituency.
During the presentation, Etudur emphasized the need for constituents to vote massively for President Nana Addo and Hon. Elvis Morris Donkoh. He said President Nana Addo’s policies have placed Ghana in a strategic position for accelerated growth.
A vote for the President will enable the continuation of policies such as One District One Factory designed to create jobs and manufacture products for export through the Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). The Ghana Integrated Aluminium Authority, the Tree Crop Development Authority, and the Ghana Automotive Development Policy will for the first time in several years, help to diversity Ghana’s economy and make us resilient to pandemics such as the Covid-19.
He asked all NPP members to continue campaigning massively because this is one of the most important elections of our lifetime. He said no one should vote “skirt and blouse”. We should all support and vote massively for Hon. Morris Donkoh because his performance in the constituency has been extraordinary and he is needed in parliament to support President Nana Addo’s transformational agenda.
Receiving the donation on behalf of the MP, the AAK NPP constituency chairman, Mr. Phillas Kweku Baah Ewudzi said the T-shirts will go a long way to help in the campaign. He thanked Mr. Etudur Nyanteh for his generous contributions to the party and acknowledged his effective role including active door-to-door boots on the ground campaign to help the party maintain the seat.
Etudur Kobina Nyanteh and a number of the AAK NPP members embarked on a massive door to door on the weekend of 27th November 2020. On Friday they started from Ayelu and Bosomi. The Saturday morning was very busy starting from the Asebu market to the town itself and later moving to Putubiw, Brebia, Old Ebu, and Aperwosika. Everywhere the team touched the message was singular and that is four more years for President Nana Addo to do more for you and four more years for Hon. Elvis Morris Donkoh to do more for the good people of AAK.