EC is ready for December 7 – Jean Mensa

The Electoral Commission says it is ready for the December 7, Presidential and Parliamentary polls.
Chairperson of the Commission Jean Mensa told Parliament on Saturday that all necessary arrangements and materials are almost set for the polls.
“Mr Speaker, I am pleased to inform you that the Electoral Commission is 95 per cent ready for the successful, credible, fair, orderly and peaceful conduct of the election on December 7, 2020.
“As we speak, the distribution of these items to our regions and districts is well underway. I can confirm that as a result of the thorough planning and distribution mechanisms employed, we are about 95% done with the distribution of election materials to our various locations across the country. What is left to be delivered are the Ballots and Registers,” she said.
Adding that; “Procurement of Vehicles to facilitate the movement of our staff and promote the delivery of their mandate at the grass-root level, the Commission procured a number of vehicles. In total 147 vehicles made up of 15 motorbikes, 30 four-wheel drives, 107 pickups, eight haulage trucks and two Coaster Buses,” she said.
She also denied claims that she does not respect the authority of Parliament.
“It is important to emphasize that this is the first time I have been invited by the House in my capacity as the EC Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, I have on no occasion turned down an invitation from the Parliament of Ghana”.