I prophesied Kwesi Nyantkyi’s fall – Prophet Badu Kobi

Founder and leader of the Glorious Wave Church International has said he prophesied about the ‘humiliating’ ending of the President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), Mr. Kwesi Nyantakyi.

Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi said though his [Nyantakyi] rein was over long ago, “it was a grand conspiracy to bring him down”.

“Nyantakyi’s time was over in 2015 but because he was power drunk, he continued to stay in office and some people conspired to disgrace him” he added.

Mr. Nyantakyi resigned after he was captured in an undercover investigation conducted by the TigerEye PI in which he made damning commentaries about the president of the country and his vice as well as other ministers of state.

He also received an undeserved $65,000 from the supposed businessman who was, in reality, an undercover journalist.

A release signed by the embattled former GFA president said his comments in the conversation in the private discussion he had with “scammers” were acts of “indiscretion.”

In spite of this, the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) has placed 90-day ban on Mr. Kwesi Nyantakyi, Council Member of the international football controlling body, following a recent expose by ace journalist Ana Aremeyaw Anas.

But Prophet Badu Kobi said the former GFA President could have avoided all these embarrassments if he had left office.

“When I said Kwesi Nyantakyi had overstayed his welcome, people, though I hated him but now see” he told KOFI TV in an interview.

The outspoken prophet who claimed to have prophesied on Accra-based Rainbow Radio said he is not surprised at the turn of events.

“I have asked the guys at Rainbow Radio to play those audios for people to know that I’m not lying” he stressed.

Prophet Badu Kobi urged everyone to take a cue from Mr. Nyantakyi’s predicament be contempt with what they have to avoid being a disgrace.

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