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Don’t go to court if lose in 2020 – Mahama to NPP



Former President John Dramani Mahama has told the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to accept defeat without heading to court if they (NPP) are defeated by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2020 general elections.

“I want NPP to know that in 2020 if they lose the elections and the NDC becomes victorious, they should just hand the power over to us. We do not want them to repeat what they did in 2012…After winning the 2012 elections they took us to court for almost a year disputing the election results.

“Today, I want to tell them we do not want them to repeat that this time around. If we become victorious in 2020, we want them to hand over peacefully,” Mr Mahama said during an address to delegates of the NDC at Koforidua in the New Juaben South Constituency of the Eastern Region on Thursday, 18 January 2019.

Mr Mahama, therefore, urged the delegates and all members of the NDC to work assiduously to ensure that the party returns to power after losing the 2016 elections in the party’s worse presidential poll defeat to the Akufo-Addo-led NPP.

“I want every party member, delegate and grassroots supporter to all sacrifice themselves for the party, we need everyone to show some level of sacrifice to ensure we come back to power to save Ghanaians who are suffering under this government.

“I have been to eight regions and the Eastern Region is the 9th, in all my interactions with Ghanaians they all say there is hardship in the country so I am urging you all to work hard for the party to return to power, and you will all enjoy,” Mr Mahama noted.

Source: Ghana/

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