Do you remember the starving child on the street who was rescued by a white woman?

Lovén became known in 2016 when a photo from one of her rescue actions of witch children went viral in the picture, Anja squats in front of a small naked and starved boy, who she gives water with her water bottle.
Hope was only two years old when he was accused of being a witch. Hope was condemned and left to starve to death. Anja travelled all the way from the Netherlands to save Hope after hearing her story.
According to Anja, a widespread cultural idea that children can be witches who curse the families and villages into which they are born has arisen as a result of a lack of education and terrible poverty. Indeed, Africa has a long way to go.
Anja posted Hope’s fresh photos to her Facebook page. What a difference a witch child has made. A young boy who was abandoned by his parents because they believed he was a witch has undergone a remarkable change. “He was severely underweight and suffering from a variety of illnesses.”
By: Michael Djan
French Tutor and Digital Marketing Blogger/Content Writer and GhanaWeb Professional Reporter/