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Damongo Is The Capital Of Savannah Region- Overlord Of Gonja



The Overlord of the Gonja Kingdom, Yagbonwura Tumtumba Boresa (I) has proposed Damongo in the West Gonja District to be named as the regional capital of the newly created Savanna region.

He made this proposal in a speech read on his behalf by his spokesperson, Mr. Bakari Sadik Nyari at the first post referendum stakeholders forum of the Savanna region held in Damongo on Saturday, 12th January 2019 under the theme; “Harnessing Development Potentials Through Unity In Diversity”,

“We have taken cognisance of all the diverse views being expressed in various spheres about the capital of the Savannah Region and wish to state without any hesitation that Damongo is our choice as Regional capital of the Savannah Region.” He stated.

The forum was attended by Traditional Rulers from the Gonja Traditional Kingdom led by the Yagbonwura Tuntumba Boresa, the Buipewura and other paramount chiefs of Gonja.

Government Officials including Deputy Chief of Staff Samuel Abu Jinapor, religious leaders, youth Associations and people across the Savanna regional catchment area were also attended the forum.

For his part, the Deputy Chief of Staff Samuel Abu Jinapor who represented President Nana Akufo-Addo said the President is committed to developing all parts of Ghana and the creation of Regions is one of the pillars of his development agenda for Ghana.

He said the people of the Savannah Region need to be united because the people of the Savannah Region were united in fighting for the Region and ao should be united again to ensure the Savannah Region gets its share of development.

According to him, the Savannah Region will result in the shortening of roots from those who moved from the various parts of the Savannah to the Regional capital to seek for public service and that Regional offices will be created for all offices.

Adding that, the Savanna Region will be the best Region on terms of development in the nearest future.

Source: Abdul- Rauf

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