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Dagbon: Andanis begin Ya Na funeral



The Andani royal family of Dagbon in the Northern Region has begun the funeral processes of the late Overlord of Dagbon, Ya Na Abdulai Yakubu Andani II.

Class91.3FM’s Northern regional correspondent, Mohammed Gadafi reported on Friday, 11 January 2019 that the Yendi Municipality is awash with people who are there to observe the funeral rites.

He said the processes will begin with the shaving of hair of all the sons, daughters and widows of the late chief of the Dagbon state.

The Andanis had earlier petitioned the Asantehene that the continuous stay of Bolin Lana Mahamadu Abdulai, the regent from the rival Abudu royal gate, at the residence of the Mba Dugu, would affect the preparations of the Andani family for the funeral.

The Andanis said the residence of the Mba Dugu is also the place where the Yenilimam (Chief Imam) and the Gundo Na (Queen Mother) take up temporary residence before the commencement of the funeral rites of a Ya Na, in which all the three play vital roles.

They, therefore, appealed to the Asantehene to intervene and have their concern addressed in a manner consistent with Dagbon tradition and custom, else they would boycott the funeral proceeding.

However, Gadafi reported that the Andani family later softened its stance and agreed to go ahead with the funeral as outlined by the Committee of Eminent Chiefs chaired by the Asantehene.

Additionally, security has been heightened in the area with the heavy presence of police officers and soldiers following the death of one person and the injury of four others due to the renewed rivalry between the two royal gates in Yendi.

The conflict started when some youths in Yendi hurled stones at the Sagnarigu chief and his entourage as they made their way to the Gbewaa Palace for the funeral.

The remote cause stemmed from the insistence of the Andanis, whose turn it is to perform the funeral of their late Overlord, just as the Abudus did for theirs a few weeks ago per the Asantehene-led peace process, that the Bolin Lana vacate the residence of the Mba Dugu, so they could also proceed with their rites.

The Abudus, however, say the funeral of the Andanis can go ahead without that concession, since, according to them, it was not a necessary customary requirement.

The police had to intervene by firing warning shots to disperse the irate youth.

The Abudus later condemned the clashes in a press statement issued on Friday by the Secretary to the family, Alhassan Iddrisu.

Source: Ghana/

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