CTN Committee misinformed Akufo-Addo – GIFF claims

Ghana Institute of Freight Forwarders (GIFF) are against the implementation of the Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) on Monday because they believe the President has been misinformed about issues.

GIFF says the committee involving reps from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), GUTA and CTN gave a report to President Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo is not a correct reflection of the real issues.

Executive Secretary of GIFF, Eddy Akron believes the report handed over to President Akufo-Addo has been altered.

In February this year, government suspended implementation of CTN after initial resistance calling for further consultation on it.

GIFF and other bodies are doing everything legally possible against its implementation when one John Kwame Adu Jack filed a case in court seeking an injunction on Ghana Revenue Authority from implementing the new CTN systems.

The plaintiff is asking the court to also declare that the policy is illegal, unconstitutional and in breach of the provisions of the trade facilitation agreement.

However, the GRA is going ahead to implement the policy.

GIFF Executive Secretary, Eddy Akrong maintains they are disappointed in GRA.

Meanwhile, Chairman of GIFF, Alex Asiamah is calling on Special Prosecutor to invest those behind CTN as the country will lose huge sums of money.

Source: adomonline.com

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