COVID-19: The Scientific Knowledge Has Failed. Let’s Try Common Sense – Educate Africa Institute

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” these are the words of the President of Educate Africa Institute, Boadi William.
When I toured around various schools and read from the various media and heard from parents to issues concerning their wards in school in this period of COVID-19 pandemic, tears were just flowing down the cheeks of many and frustration has engulfed then like never before. It is out of this, I call on the government to close the various schools and reopen them when the country is in a stable condition.
Mr. President, the number of COVID-19 positive cases that are emerging from the various institutions is becoming dangerous. Something need to be done before we say “had we known…”
Mr. President, I am not just saying this out of saying sake. There are evidences to buttress my argument.
Not long ago, after the reopening of the various schools, we have had a lot of covid 19 positive cases.We can talk of 6 tested positive cases of COVID-19 from Accra Girls SHS. Is this not bad to hear, Mr. President?
It came to my notice that, there were 13 positive cases of COVID-19 been recorded at one of the Senior High Schools at Kwahu but kept unrevealed or covered. This is not the best.
Education matters.
Life matters.
Everything matters.
Therefore, act on these matters to close the schools.
On the 13-07-2020, GES and GHS declared that, 55 persons have tested positive for COVID-19 at Accra Girls SHS, both students and teachers. What are we waiting for our leaders?
Mr. President, I hope and strongly believe that you have also saw the video of how one of the students of KNUST SHS died miserably. I saw it and the reports coming out made my heart bleeded and I can still feel the pain. It came out that, the authorities were afraid to send the student to a hospital for treatment because of the fear coronavirus. The students was left in the hands of his colleagues while teachers stood not far from them conversing. Before his mother could travel all the way from her region to come and send him to the hospital, he died.
A good question worthy of asking is, if authorities think that he might be suffering from coronavirus, why can’t one person use the PPEs provided to reach out to sick student and sends him to a nearby hospital?
This is very heartbreaking, shameful and disgraceful to the highest degree of I don’t care!
Mr. President, for things not to get out of control in the various schools, put immediate closure to the schools accross the length and breadth of this country. Examinations can be written using various means. Put your education ministers and other stakeholders down and see how we can examine the final year students.
“If the wind will not serve, take to the oars”.