News Africa

Covid-19 in SA: Death toll at 1 480, as cases hit 70 038

There have been 57 more Covid-19 deaths, and 4 300 new infections, the Ministry of Health says.

This has taken the total number of cases to 70 038. The death toll now sits at 1 480.

The Western Cape makes up about 60% of the total number of cases, with 42 539. Gauteng has 11 164, and the Eastern Cape 10 027.

There have been 1 121 958 tests conducted so far. A total of 38 531 people have recovered from the virus, translating to a recovery rate of 55%

The provincial breakdown for cases is as follows:

Eastern Cape: 10 027

Free State: 495

Gauteng: 11 164

KwaZulu-Natal: 3 874

Limpopo: 326

Mpumalanga: 297

North West: 1097

Northern Cape: 156

Western Cape: 42 539

Unknown: 63


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