COVID-19: Don’t Open Schools, Churches Until Ghana Records Zero case – Prof. Gyampo

Political Science Lecturer Prof. Ransford Gyampo has opined that the government should not ease restriction on public gathering until Ghana reaches a point where no new infection is recorded for two consecutive weeks.

He said it would injurious to the country’s effort in containing the spread of coronavirus if  President kowtows to pressure particularly by faith-based organizations to lift the imposition of restriction on gatherings.

Ghana has recorded a total of 3094 confirmed cases of Covid-19 while recoveries have also inched up to 303 with the death toll still at 18.

The Ghana Health Service says the country has reached its peak of infection hence expecting a decline but this claim has been criticized by many as flawed and unscientific.

It is rumored that President Akufo Addo will soon announce the lifting of restrictions on gatherings to allow Schools and churches to be opened.

But in a letter to the President posted on his Facebook wall Friday afternoon, Prof. Ransford Gyampo said “let the schools, churches & local authorities come out, first, with detailed plans they intend putting in place, should the nation be fully unlocked. This will help avoid more infection and make these plans fully public to create awareness of serious preparations.”

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