Court Dismisses Injunction Against ECG Privatisation

The Commercial Court in Accra has dismissed an interlocutory injunction seeking to stop the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) from going ahead with the ECG concession process.

The injunction was filed by BXC Company Limited, one of the companies that lost the bid to manage state-owned power distributor Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) under the concession arrangement.

According to BXC, it was unlawfully disqualified from the bidding process by MiDA, describing the disqualification as “arbitrary and without basis.’’

Responding to the claim, MiDA said the applicant has no right, no basis and whatever losses that would be incurred, they would be adequately compensated.

Justice Jerome Nkrumah in his ruling said the concession process has a timeline and in the event that the court grants the application, the state and ECG will suffer damages the applicant cannot compensate them for.

According to Daily Heritage court correspondent, Muntalla Inusah, the court denied the application to prevent loss of funds to the State.

Source: Ghana/

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