Conversion of UEW Kumasi campus into Uni. of Skill Training starts

Government has commenced processes to convert the Kumasi Campus of the University of Education, Winneba into the University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development.
The University will have the mandate of training teachers in Practical Skills and Entrepreneurship.
The Bill that will allow the conversation went through the Second Reading in Parliament on Friday.
The Minister of State in-charge of Tertiary Education, Prof. Kwasi Yankah says the conversion will allow teachers are equipped with the required skills.
“The conversation will bring into focus the relevance of technical and vocational training to national development and the need to achieve national development in that regard.
The proposed university will develop to the level of awarding Doctorate Degrees in technical and vocational training thereby providing a workforce with the requisite skills. This will undoubtedly increase productivity, encourage investment as well, reduce unemployment, and improve the socio-economic sector of the country,” he added.