Consultant Daaru Writes: Hon. Nasser Mahama Toure (MP) is not a Pushover: He will win again Ayawaso East Seat

Hon Nasser Mahama Toure is not a talkertive, and a verbose politician, but rather one who is well defined by action, result, impacts and integrity.
His greatest asset is that of practical lobbying and knows how to get things done on the ground with his vast life experiences in business across various parts of the world.
This is the reason for the many of the projects he has done such as the Hot Coffee- Road, educational bursuries scheme, the educational infrastructure support to Alwaleed, JHS building and fence for Islamic Training Institute, etc, faclifting project to Nima Market, (kasoan Lariba) with proper pavement layed all over the markets, which salvaged the initial muddy floor ,construction of about 300 meter main community drain at 441 happy home area to provides immediate relief just within a month in office, construction of about 200m community drain at 441 behind Pentecost Church at Frankies, instrumental in pushing and lobbying for the start of the main Mammobi Tertiary drain, face lifting and upgradement of Nima Clinic and many many things that we have all seen in the community.
All of these that i mentioned were done before the constituency becomes a Municipality, and it really takes a great deal of effort and lobbying to get this done.
I have worked with Hon. Nasser Mahama Toure as his Aide and Personal Secretary in his first term when the above mentioned were done, and I can tell you, he is very calm, humane, strong, decisive and above all has a clear sense of direction and focus on community development.
Anybody who has had a meaningful one and one interaction with him will attest to the fact that he is not a pushover. He is firm minded, and well experienced in life and politics.
Althouh he is admittedly not vociferous on the floor of Parliament as many sincerely including myself want to see, It’s important to outline his critical contribution to Parliament that many are oblivious of. With his vast experience in the Energy Industry, he was appointed the Vice Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Mines and Energy in 2013-2016 parliamentary periods, something that hardly happens for fresh Mp’s.
At this level he brought essential experiences and insight to the committee and he is still a key member of that committee of Parliament now and he will continue to be in future as far us he will be in Parliament. Nobody can underestimate the importance of committees to the function of Parliament.
Election 2020
I have no iota of doubt that, he will surely win the Ayawaso East Constituency to retain his seat in Parliament despite the efforts of Mr Peter Mireku of the Npp.
With the constituency now under a Municipality, I believe that should compliment his development efforts and that should be the opportunity for him to focus keenly and overwhelmingly on providing bursuries to support Tertiary education of our people, skills development and grassroot Entrepreneurship development.
These measures will transform and build the capacity of the human resources of Ayawaso East and that will be a great legacy for our community, far more enduring than even the above equally important projects.
Source: Consultant Daaru