Confusion rocks NPP Bono regional elections

Abronye DC up for re-election
NPP holds elections in 14 out of 16 regions
Confusion broke out during the election of regional party executives for the New Patriotic in the Bono Region.
The election taking place in Sunyani on Sunday, May 29, 2022, is said to have been characterised by some mix-up after some three participating constituencies allegedly injuncted by a court order were called out to vote.
According to a Citi News report, an injunction was secured from a Sunyani High Court to bar executives from Sunyani East, Dormaa Central and Jaman constituencies from participating in the regional election.
The injunction was secured by some members of the party over what they said was an improper election of executives in the three constituencies.
The confusion is said to have led to over an hour delay in the election process as activities at the venue as activities were brought to a halt at a point.
The Bono Region NPP is holding its delegates congress at Sunyani to elect regional executives to steer the affairs of the party for the next for years.
Up for re-election is Abronye who is seeking to retain his position as regional chairman.
He is being contested by Konlaabig Rasheed, the current Regional Organiser of the party for the chairmanship position.
Results for the keenly contested chairmanship position and other portfolios are expected to be announced later in the evening when results will be collated.
The Bono Region remains the only outstanding region to hold its elections as other regional branches of the party have already concluded their elections.
However, elections for the Central Region remains on hold as it was hit with a last-minute court injunction which has seen the exercise indefinitely suspended.
The NPP regional executives elections commenced on Friday, May 28, 2022, with the Ahafo, Bono-East, Northern, North East, Savannah, Upper East and Western North regions holding their elections.
Ashanti, Eastern, Greater Accra, Oti, Volta, Upper West and Western regions had theirs held on Saturday while the Bono Region is set to conclude its election today, Sunday, May 29, 2022.
The NPP has set out to retain power by winning the 2024 general elections. The party is expected to elect its national executives in the next few weeks after which it will go ahead to elect parliamentary candidates and a flagbearer for the incoming general elections.