Chief State Attorney charged over altering of charge sheet

Under count one, it is alleged that Mr Omia on October 11, 2019, at his Gulu office, in abuse of his authority, signed an amended charge sheet in a criminal case no. AA-73/2019; Uganda Vs Twinomugisha Johnson, as a detective Inspector of Police, the officer preferring the charge.
On conviction, aggravated defilement attracts a maximum punishment of death by hanging while indecent assault attracts a maximum punishment of 14 years.
Mr Omia also faces one count of forgery. According to the charge sheet, it is alleged that on the same dates, at his Gulu office, with intent to deceive, Mr Omia forged an amended charge sheet dated October 11, 2019, by signing it in the names of D/ASP Pande Grace Davis, the Gulu District CID officer.
A chief State Attorney is one of the top ranks in the DPP structure.
Despite the prosecution team led by Senior State Attorneys Mugisa Raymond and Pamela Orogot, strongly opposing the release of their colleague on bail, presiding magistrate Abert Asiimwe granted Mr Omia a cash bail of Shs3m on Monday.
His sureties were each bonded at a non-cash of Shs30m.
DPP Jane Frances Abodo has also cautioned her prosecutors to desist from corruption schemes.
During their recent annual prosecutors’ symposium that culminated in the 7th Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture, Justice Abodo said if her prosecutors do a good job, she will stand by them, and on the contrary, she will prosecute all those involved in corruption.