Characteristics of a happy couple

A happy relationship and happy marriage usually seem impossible until both individuals decide to make it work.
Happy couples mostly are best friends, each other’s confidantes, and everyday go-to person. They are intentional about their commitment to one another.
They have unconditional love for each other and part of their world is shared only between them.
Happy couples understand that whatever may come at them, being together makes them stronger.
Here are some common traits of happy couples you might want to normalise to be a happy couple to enjoy your relationship too;
1. They are happy individuals – According to Proverbs 17:22, “a happy heart is a good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, but a broken heart dries up the bones”. One can only make their partner happy when they have joy and are at peace with themselves. Therefore, to be able to have a happy marriage or relationship, you need to be a happy person to share your joy and happy moments with your partner.
2. They respect each other’s boundaries and decisions – A healthy relationship starts with mutual respect, and that includes respecting each other’s emotional and physical boundaries. This doesn’t mean keeping information away from your partner or preventing them from knowing what goes on in your life.
3. They communicate – This allows you to explain to your partner what you are experiencing and what your needs are. Effective communication helps connects couples and gives them peace in the relationship. Bear in mind that your partner cannot read your mind so you need to communicate your feeling and needs.
4. They trust each other – trust your partner to be faithful, and trust them with money, and with your feelings. You’re not constantly calling and checking up on your partner if they have to stay late for work, there’s a general sense of ease and trust within the relationship. Avoid checking one another’s phones, and emails for inappropriate messages.
Trust is built and not commanded, give your partner reasons to trust and not doubt you for any reason if you want to have a happy and peaceful marriage or relationship.
5. They enjoy regular sexual intimacy – being sexually intimate regularly makes a couple emotionally connected. It’s an act that bonds a couple. The closeness created and experienced during sex helps maintains a healthy level of love, and a sense of belongingness which human beings need naturally.
Love is sweet when it’s true and with the right person. Give yourself the chance to love and be loved. Keeping multiple partners brings nothing to the table but rather takes a lot from you.