Following the recent revaluation of his personal assets, African-American billionaire and leading musician Kanye...
Asha Mandela often carries her hair in a handbag to stop it from trailing...
Alvin Bragg made history in 2021 as the first black man elected New York...
An unamed Ghanaian traveller was briefly detained by border officials in the United States...
Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested on Tuesday and has urged his...
YouTube has lifted restrictions on Donald Trump’s channel, becoming the latest social media network...
Di US military don release di video of one Russian jet wey crash into...
An Ohio-based man who claims to be a Ghanaian Prince has been sentenced to...
US regulators have shut down Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and taken control of its...
Christian Jouret had all but given up hope that his grandfather, Jerry, the man...