Hassabo Mohamed Abdel Rahman, who once served as vice-president to Sudan’s ousted long-serving leader...
Crime Africa
Mbarara second division Court Martial has sentenced two civilians to 100 years in prison...
A 27-year-old man is admitted with gunshot wounds after he was allegedly shot by...
Female prisoners in Kenya are calling for a change in laws that prevent them...
Limpopo police are investigating a case of murder after the body of a man...
Seven people died and at least 45 were injured in protests that erupted after...
The South Sudan National Security Service tribunal court in Juba on Tuesday sentenced its...
A BBC Africa Eye investigation has revealed the existence of a secretive but thriving...
Gunmen in western Ethiopia killed at least 34 people in an attack on a...
The leaders said that they are going to imprison gay and lesbian couples for not being...