Castro’s disappearance: 5 videos of ‘Daughter of Maame Water’ that caused Asamoah Gyan’s rage

Self-acclaimed spiritual, Akosua Moon Goddess, who is better known as ‘Daughter of Maame Water’ gained popularity after former Black Stars captain, Asamoah Gyan, called her out for levelling some false allegations against him.
Videos sighted by GhanaWeb on her TikTok account prove that Gyan has become a target of Akosua Moon Goddess, who claims to be communicating with the soul of singer Castro, who drowned at Ada back in July 2014.
According to the woman, Castro was “stabbed in the back” by his friend Gyan, who she alleged had a hand in the singer’s disappearance and death.
Akosua Moon Goddess detailed her strange conversation with the deceased, whom she claims is not at peace, in five separate videos, all pointing fingers at the celebrated Ghanaian footballer.
“Why did you keep him this way (tied up)? Apart from Castro wanting to know, I also want to know…I need an explanation for this situation because we are all citizens of Ghana and justice must be served in every situation that happens.
“Even if you die and are reincarnated, I will ask you why. What did he do to deserve this, why? Question number two from Castro, why did you kill me? The death card, we want to know why he was killed. Why did you allow him to transition by force? We want to know, why did you burdened him? Why did you make him suffer? You could have just injected him to die. Why did he have to drown? Did he really drown? Maybe there is something else to this situation,” she alleged in one of her videos
Gyan, also sharing his side of the story, noted that the woman has been on his tail for years by making false claims about him in a bid to tarnish his reputation.
“If I descend on you…” Gyan said in a video to her while jamming to Hannah Marfo’s ‘Akristofo Adooso’ song.
In response, Akosua Moon Goddess, boiling in a rage, said: “Descend on me, do I look like a Christian? I am not making my revelation under the word of the Bible. I am not afraid of anything, so if you claim I am lying descend on me. I am waiting for you. Who told you I need the attention of killers?”
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