CAR: Two rebel generals lay down their arms as part of the disarmament program

The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) program, launched in CAR in 2018 and active for several years, has now entered its active phase.
In early May, the FACA issued a message giving the remnants of the militants still operating in the northeast and southeast of the country an ultimatum to “either surrender or die.”
A little later, the government also asked the armed groups to lay down their arms. In doing so, government spokesman Maxim Balalou noted 78 ex-combatants who had already laid down their arms in Haut-Mbomou.
Dozens of militants have surrendered, including high-ranking members of their armed group. For instance, one of the senior commanders of an armed group within the UPC, General Usman Abakar, also surrendered to Russian trainers two weeks ago. In his video, the general urged the surrender to the Russian instructors as they treat those who surrender well.
A video of General Boudou Chasa Romaric and General Ahamat Ousman was recently published in which they commented on their decision, thanked the President of the Republic Faustin-Archange Touadéra and the Russians, and called on other militants to follow their example.
Boudou Chasa Romaric, from Lissara, 30 kilometers from Kouango, surrendered along with 25 members of his group and said he wanted to set an example for other fighters. A second general, Ahamat Ousman said he was disarmed in Mboki and added: “All we want is peace in our country. I think we didn’t understand anything before; but now we understand. That is why we have agreed to be disarmed by the Russians.”
Both expressed support for the program and urged other fighters to surrender only to Russian instructors because they are being treated well.
Fighters who voluntarily surrender their weapons as part of the disarmament program will now be trained at a military training center, and upon graduation they will be sent to continue their service with the FACA.
Russian trainers are playing an important role in supporting the disarmament program and integrating ex-combatants into government forces, continuing negotiations with other armed groups to join this national program aimed at peace and prosperity in CAR.
Source: Odile Gbayah, Contributor