Car crashes into Pulse Ghana’s office



A non-functional traffic light at the Shell Fuel Station at American House, East Legon was the cause of an accident on Friday, October 18, 2019.

The accident happened in the dark hours of Friday after the rains with three cars involved.

Eyewitnesses told the driver with car registration number GG 4664 18 who crashed the wall was heading from the ARS roundabout. Another car moving from Kay Billie Klaer area to join the main road caused the accident between the two drivers.

The car moving from the ARS round about lost control, skid, move over the pavement separating the road to crash into the Pulse Ghana wall.

Driver of car with registration number GG 4664 18 who was in a state of panic did not make any comments to on the accident.

The police took an hour after calls were made to arrive at the scene. Initially, they sent a towing vehicle to move the car to the East Legon Police Station which is 3 kilometers away from the accident scene.

One policeman later arrived at the scene to ask questions about the incident at a time when all drivers involved but one and eyewitnesses had left the scene.



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