C.K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Science to Conduct Examination Online

The C.K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Science has set to Conduct Examination Online and Digital Platform for Final Years.
According to Prof. Luguterah the acting Vice Chancellor on behalf of the Interim Prof. Eric Magnus Wilmot, the university will conduct its examinations online and on a Digital Platform for all students.
Those who feel safe at home and have internet connectivity are allowed to stay home and write using the online models while those who need to proceed to campus will be protected to do so in a safe environment.
The circular reads;
Following the President’s directives, and the Minister of Education’s guidelines, for the re-opening of Universities in Ghana, Management, after consultations, has decided
on the following:
- School re-opens for all level final year students on Monday 15th June 2020.
- Following the re-opening of our University, there will be a two week period for
revision and completion of assignments.
- Exams start on Monday 29″ June 2020 and ends on Friday 13th July 2020.
- To minimize risks of infections to both staff and students, Examinations shall be
done online and through digital platforms.
- In order to cater for students who are unable to come to school, all assignments
and Examination questions will also be available online, at the same time, to all
Students, at specified times.
- All such answered examinations questions and assignments, shall be submitted
to the Examiner through his email address which will be communicated on the
Question papers, on or before the specified times.
- For the avoidance of doubt, all continuous assessments done over the trimester
still remain valid and shall be used in addition to examination scores in grading
the students.
- Similar arrangements for Dissertations and Project works, that avoid or minimize contact with persons, have been made and shall be communicated to
each student through their Faculties: Dissertations and Project works shall continue after the examination period (i.e., the 13th of July 2020).
These are trying times and we trust that all final year students will cooperate with
Management to ensure we have successful examinations, in a safe environment.
We wish to acknowledge the patience and cooperation of all our students, and admonish you to keep to all health and safety protocols. We pray that this too shall
pass so we are able to come together again physically, for your graduation.
Source: Thepressradio.com/Ghana/Ahadzi Emmanuel