Bushiri’s fraudulent permit prompted SIU probe into Home Affairs Department – Minister

The Home Affairs Minister of the Republic of South Africa, Aaron Motsoaledi said that the Special Investigating Unit (SIU)’s probe into the department was prompted by the discovery of controversial pastor Shepherd Bushiri’s fraudulent permit.
One hundred and twenty officials are being investigated for dodgy dealings in the awarding of refugee status.
This includes documents awarded to asylum seekers dating back to 2004.
Motsoaledi said that the investigation was triggered by a tip-off from a whistleblower.
“I then put up the Lubisi Report. From the results of that report, I realised that we must call SIU because there are many things that needed their skill. The corruption is done by officials here with foreign nationals who don’t deserve to be in South Africa but who have got lots of money to bribe.”