Buhari to UN: Gaza humanitarian disaster is result of “unrestrained use of power”

The deteriorating humanitarian situation in the besieged Gaza Strip is a result of the “appalling result of unrestrained use of power.” This was the message from Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Wednesday.

Buhari touched on several global issues during his address on the opening day of the UNGA’s 73rd session, but paid significant attention to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

The Nigerian leader reaffirmed his country’s “unwavering support” for a two-state solution that was just, and “negotiated without intimidation.”

“Unilateral, arbitrary and insensitive actions only prolonged the conflict,” he told the gathering of world leaders.  He also called “on the Israelis and the Palestinians to make the necessary compromises in the interest of justice, peace and security, in line with our numerous UN resolutions and applicable international laws.”

On Monday, Buhari’s representative at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Muhammad S. Isa, reaffirmed Nigeria’s  “support for the historic struggle of the Palestinian people” and condemned Israel’s excessive use of force against Palestinian protesters.

Buhari was not the only African leader to address the issue of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Speaking after Buhari, South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa, urged the international community to act with urgency to end Israel’s occupation of Palestine. “The fact that the people of Palestine have endured occupation and suffering for nearly as long as the United Nations has existed, makes their plight no less pressing, nor their suffering any less acceptable,” Ramaphosa said in his maiden address to the UN.

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