Brother Sammy sends strong warning to Counselor Lutterodt

Gospel musician Brother Sammy has issued a strong warning to Ghana’s controversial marriage counsellor George Lutterodt after he criticized him and another gospel musician Sonnie Badu.

According to Counselor Lutterodt, the two Gospel musicians hair doesn’t qualify them to be known as gospel artiste because they have left it to be over-grown all in the name of what they call fashion but they don’t know they are rather going insane.

But Brother Sammy in a rebuttal issued a stern warning to the loudmouth counsellor asking him to desist talking about him or face his wrath.

In an interview on the Di Wu La Mu Show on Kasapa FM with host, Pomaa Kyekyeku stated that he has not over-grown his hair as the Counselor is making it look like.

“I’ve not overgrown my hair, so counselor Lutterodt must be very careful when he’s dealing with me. He’s warned, I’m a man of God just as Sonnie Badu and we have ministered songs that have released people from bondage and if you insult us that we are getting mad that is unfortunate. He knows that as men of God if he provokes us and we react he may even go mad. Immediately I point my hand at Counselor Lutterodt and I pray he’ll go mad,”.

He further went on to explain that even if he has over-grown hair, that is not a sin.

“Rasta isn’t a sin as Counsellor Lutterodt is saying. Allowing your hair to overgrow can’t be a factor to being a Man of God. Afro hair or Rasta is a choice. Even those with bald hair are more criminal than the Rastafarians.”

He ended by saying keeping natural dreadlocks and Afro hair cannot stop one from becoming a gospel artiste or Man of God.


Source: ghpage.com

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