Planned Demostration Against Gold Fields Ghana Ltd Halted

The residence of Brahabebome and it’s surrounding communities in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of the Western Region have halted plans to stage Demonstration against Gold Fields Ghana Ltd (GFGL), Tarkwa branch scheduled for Monday March 11, 2019 over the company failure to pay them their investments.
The demonstration was halted following a last-minute intervention by the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal Security Council ( MUSEC) headed by the Municipal Chief Executive of Tarkwa- Nsuaem Mr Gilbert Ken Asmah as discussions were ongoing between both sides.
Prior to the meeting with MUSEC ,the residents from Brahabobome, University of Mines and Technology (UMaT ) , Governor Hill, Agric Hill, North Agric Hill, Tarkwa Senior High School ,Nkanponase(Camp City) etc had obtained a Police permit from Tarkwa District Police Command but after a second thought the Police in collaboration with Musec decided to meet the leadership of the demonstrators to settle some issues which were not privy to both the District and Divisional Commanders.
After hours of a close door meeting between MUSEC and the leadership it was agreed by both parties that the demonstration be put on hold for further consultations to be conducted by MUSEC and the Management of GFGL , the Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice ( CHRAJ ) and Wassa Communities Affected by Mines (WACAM) .
In an interview with the leadership after the meeting, the spokesperson of the group Mr Mintah , told the media that in 2013 , the leadership of Brahabobome lodged a petition to CHRAJ about the illegal blasting of Gold Fields Ghana Ltd which is less than four hundred metres away from the community against the Mining laws in Ghana and affecting their buildings, electrical appliances and their health , which the Commission ruled in February 2018 by setting up a road map to be implemented by the company for a peaceful co-existence.
He continued that since then GFGL has refused to implement the recommendations by CHRAJ in spite of the former agreeing to do so after the three months ultimatum by CHRAJ and even increased their illegsl blasting to the detriment of the residents of the communities and the health of the residents.
Mr Mintah said after several petitions to the MCE, the Western Regional Coordinating Council ( WRCC ) and WACAM, GFGL have failed to implement the recommendations. They therefore decided to embark on a massive demonstration to back home their demands.
He said some of the youth amongst them who have worked with the company threatened to use dynamite to blast the Mining pits of the company as a retaliation but for the timely intervention of the Mce , Mr Gilbert Ken Asmsh and the security heads in the Municipality who are also being affected by the illegal blasting of the company, the world would have witnessed a sad story.
They therefore commended the MCE, the District and Divisional Police Commanders in Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipal and the Bureau of National Investigations boss in Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal for the professionalism exhibited during the deliberation and hope they apply similar and candid opinion to the rest of the stakeholders they are yet to meet for a peaceful co-existence .
An effort to speak with the members of the MUSEC proved futile but the MCE Mr Gilbert Ken Asmsh told the media present that the discussion bothered on security and since they are yet to meet the management of GFGL, the CHRAJ and meet the affected communities again they would like to remain silent till their meetings with the stakeholders.
Source: Kweku