BREAKING NEWS: North Korea’s Leader, Kim Jong Un Dies After Heart Surgery, His Sister To Take Over [PHOTOS]

News filtering from the Hong Kong Satellite Television #HKSTV has revealed that the North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong Un is dead and his sister, Kim Yo-jong is in line to become the next ruler of the country.

It was obtain a rare photo of the late leader on his sick bed moments before giving up the ghost – Here is the photo below:

Kim Yo-jong has been described as an even more dangerous dictator than her brother and most people are hoping she does not ascend to the throne. We will continue to bring you more details as the news unfolds.

If Kim Jong-Un Dies, What Will Happen to North Korea? | Inside Edition

At this point, until there is a report from either KCNA or other state media, there is no way to verify whether Kim Jong Un is alive or dead.

At this point, until there is a report from either KCNA or other state media, there is no way to verify whether Kim Jong Un is alive or dead.

At this point, until there is a report from either KCNA or other state media, there is no way to verify whether Kim Jong Un is alive or dead.

At this point, until there is a report from either KCNA or other state media, there is no way to verify whether Kim Jong Un is alive or dead.

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