Entertainment Africa

Blame Nana Ama Mcbrown and UTV for Funny Face and Lil Win’s fight- Attractive Mustapha

Yesterday on United Showbiz hosted by Nana Ama Mcbrown, two renowned Ghanaian actors in the name of Benson Nana Yaw Kwarteng known in entertainment circles as Funny Face and Kwadwo Nkansah popularly known as Lil Win who nearly threw ‘blows’ after exchanging insults and provocative words which was later resolved.

The two actors who already have their menacing issues were invited to discuss the topic ‘depression’.

But who would in his or a right senses if not staged, invite two people who are at war for a live Television discussion without amicably solving the problem behind the scenes and not expect such indecent behavior to happen?

There is no doubt that United Showbiz is one of the popular entertainment TV shows in Ghana but for the TV station to continuously allow some of these minor contrivances to happen on air is something the management must take a second look at.

Yes, it could be a gimmick just for the Tv station to attract more followers for higher ratings but one would ask if it is really necessary considering the repute and love UTV and the entire Despite Media has gained over time.

Talking about gimmicks, one cannot ignore the fact that the appearance of ‘beefing’ artistes Freda Rhymes and Sister Afia nearly ended in a fight. AttractiveMustapha.com

Whether it is a gimmick or not, I personally think this is not what the entertainment industry needs progressively.

UTV and the presenter Nana Ama Mcbrown should carry the blame for the unwanted drama that happened between Funny Face and Lil Win during the show.

They must know that they are one of the leading TV entertainment shows and many Ghanaian entertainment fans are looking up to them to set a good pace.

One would wonder why the blame is not pointed at the production team solely but rather adding Nana Ama Mcbrown.

Readers will recall that Lil Win was on the same show sometime ago threatening to beat Funny Face and the host Nana Ama Mcbrown looked on without stopping Lil Win from making such utterances.

Secondly, since Nana Ama Mcbrown knew that they both have unresolved issues, she could have either solved the issues between them behind the scenes before bringing them live on the show to humiliate themselves.

I hope the station will learn from it and prevent such a disgraceful act from happening again.

By :Attractivemustapha

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