Bishop Dag Heward-Mills’ first post after son’s death

David Heward-Mills dies
Public commiserate with family
Founder of the LightHouse Chapel, Bishop Dagu Heward-Mills lost his first son to a short illness on Good Friday.
The news which emerged on the evening of Friday, April 15, 2022, has since attracted a lot of reactions from sections of the public who have shared their love with the family and extended their sympathy.
David Dag Heward-Mills who was a doctor died in the United States at age 31.
Prior to this news, Bishop Dag was with his congregation to mark the Good Friday occasion at the Independence Square in Accra.
Following the tragic event, the Bishop has emerged to share some information on his official Twitter page. This however was about the service held by the church on the said Friday and nothing about his son’s demise yet.
“It was so wonderful to fellowship together at the Independence Square on Good Friday after all these years,” portions of the post read.
Many have described the man of God as a strong man who exhibited strength in the face of a difficult situation.
Read the full post below: