Benkum SHS sex tape: Teacher begs as victim’s family threatens to kill him

An English Teacher at the Benkum Senior High School (SHS) in the Eastern Region has apologized to the school and persons affected by the leaked affair with a High School female student.
To him, he is not apologizing because he wants his work back but because he’s remorseful and aware of the fact that his actions will adversely affect the school and several individuals.
Emmanuel Darkoh Mensah acknowledges that he has been a fool for allowing a young SHS girl to destroy him.
He says his life is in danger because some members of the girl are threatening to kill him.
There is tension on the campus of Benkum Senior High School in the Eastern Region after a sex tape between one female student and a teacher has gone viral on social media.
Reports indicate that a Committee has been set up to investigate the matter but before the Committee is done with its work, an embargo has been placed on Emmanuel Darkoh Mensah’s salary.
According to reports, the scandal in the school involves three teachers, however, one has denied knowledge of the matter indicating that the girl they claim he has had an affair with is a family relation.
Read The Teacher’s Apology Below
My apology
I accept I’m a coward. Yes, cowardice made me do all that I did. Having my salary blocked in this very difficult economic situation we find ourselves in and the concomitant loss of my job put me in a state of insecurity and made me waspish which caused me to react in that way.
To me, I felt the girl has destroyed me so I wanted to pay her back but my retaliation has been extreme and even put the name, teachers and even students of the school into disrepute. I pray to God to obliterate every painful indelible memory my action has caused everyone involved in this mess.
Yes, I’ve allowed myself for a school girl to bring me down and now I accept every aspersion and slur anybody would cast on me, such is life.
This apology is not to please authorities to help me get my job back, no, because that’s highly impossible but to make everyone know how remorseful I feel about my utterly preposterous action.
I regret. I regret everything I’ve done, everything. Right now I feel useless, I feel like my life is not worth even a discarded kitchen pot. I’ve erred and therefore beg for forgiveness from the entire staff, especially the teachers involved. I’ve been infantile in my actions and dragged the name of the school into the gutters. The family of Adwoa (not real name) are threatening to kill me, which is, of course, the bitterest punishment because I think even incarceration isn’t enough for me, death is.
And to the headmaster, Mr Nyarkoh, I’m deeply sorry for causing all this mess. I’m sorry for allowing emotions to cloud my brain to act in this very silly way.
Finally, I want to reiterate that my action is outrageous, condemnable, untenable, unethical, nonsensical and unbecoming and deserves every reproach and reprimand.