BBC Pidgin Report: Meet Jeremiah Addo the 2-year-old smartest kid from Ghana

Despite say he no enta school before, he know over 140 countries and dema capitals off head, names of presidents across de world den oda key facts inside general knowledge which 2 year old like him no for know.

According to en papa, Richard Addo dem discover say he dey learn tins very fast de time he chop 1 year 4 months. So dem start dey show am tins, wey he dey learn am very easy.

En father talk BBC Pidgin Favour Nunoo say “de boy en mind dey like magnet, anything you go teach am dey stick very fast, wey he go fit remember am easy too.”

We put am for small test make we see plus wanna own eyes as people doubt say he fit know all den tins, he blow wanna minds.

Jeremiah en father talk BBC Pidgin say sake of dem no get money, he never sleep inside light before or watch TV saf before, e be mobile apps for phone top dey take learn new tins.

En family start dey teach am science den maths sake of sometimes dem dey hope say he go grow den become some serious global science or tech guru.



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