Banks Start Closing Customers Accounts For This Shocking Reason; Check Out

Some people are so sad that their accounts have been closed by some banks following their involvement in cryptocurrency.

This has attracted mixed reactions from some customers, having them talking unceasingly.

In more detail, the report available has it that Access Bank, GTBank and UBA begin closing customer accounts that have traded cryptocurrency.

The accounts closure appears to be the enforcement of a new law on activities that were not illegal when they were performed.
Until the CBN’s recent circular, it was okay for people to trade crypto with their bank accounts.
This raises lots of concerns as the customers fear this could lead to the loss of their monies.
The evidence that proved that indeed such banks have started that operation is what Mynewsghana has convened.

Check below screenshots of messages sent to selected customers.

Banks Start Closing Customers Accounts For This Shocking Reason; Check Out 2


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