Baby girl drowns in a bath

A 10-month-old baby girl died tragically while in the bath with her two brothers.
Sara Moosa drowned in just five inches of water after a plastic toy got stuck over the plug hole causing the bath to fill.
Sara’s mum put the youngster in the bath beside her two brothers, who are twins.
The tap was running without the plug in while she bathed them.
But one of the boys asked his mum to fetch his shark toy, so she left the room to find it.
On her return, little Sara was lying on her side in the bath with her head under the water, an inquest at Leicester Town Hall heard.
In a statement from the family to the inquest, Sara was described as a “smiling and happy” little girl, reports Leicestershire Live.
She was pronounced dead at Leicester Royal Infirmary on August 14 last year.
A post mortem examination was carried out and concluded she had died from drowning.
Summarising what happened, coroner Isobel Thistlethwaite said: “Sara and her two siblings were in the bath with the water running but no plug in.
“One sibling requested a toy. The mother returned and she noticed another toy had blocked the plug hole. The two siblings were standing up and Sara was on her side, under the water.”
The family called 999 and, following the instructions of the ambulance operator, tried to perform CPR to get Sara’s heart beating again. A statement was read out from a paramedic who arrived to find Sara downstairs on the kitchen counter where her family were performing CPR.
The paramedics took over and then took Sara to an ambulance to continue trying to resuscitate her.
They went to the hospital with Sara and her mother but she could not be saved.
Miss Thistlethwaite recorded a conclusion of accidental death. She said: “No concerns were raised by the police following an inspection of the scene.”