Auntie Bee narrates how she’s been unlucky with love after Bob Santo’s death

Veteran actress, Auntie Bee has disclosed that several men have come into her life following the demise of her partner, actor Bob Santo some two decades ago.
According to the actress, she has been unlucky with love as men who come into her life, only do so for her body.
Once her goals don’t align with a man, the actress is quick to call for a breakup and move on with her life.
On the account of Auntie Bee, she has been praying for a husband who will love and cherish her but if that never happens, she will continue to live her best life regardless.
“It’s been over 20 years since Santo’s demise… I have had a lot of men come my way. I have been sexually active and you know how it works. Gloria Sarfo onetime got me a man, and many have come my way. I am looking for a husband, the ones that came in were after pleasure. That’s not what I want, I am praying for my own man but if it never happens, life goes on,” she told Firelady on The Visdel Show.
Eulogizing her late lover, the actress disclosed that she burst out into laughter anytime she comes across Santo’s comic videos on the internet.
“We are alive by grace…I haven’t seen Santo in my dreams, it was just once that he spoke to me in a dream after his demise…the dream was interpreted to me and I was told to continue my acting career per his wishes…I laugh anytime I come across his videos on social media,” she said.