AUDIO: SA Home Affairs gazettes new tougher laws for refugees & asylum seekers

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Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has gazetted the Refugees Amendment Act, which came into effect from 1 January.
The amended act has new rules for refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa.
Speaking to Clement Manyathela on the Xolani Gwala Show, Dr Motsoaledi explains the new rules in the act.
We have added more exclusions on when can you get exclude for applying for asylum.
This includes:
- No refugee or asylum seeker may participate in any political activity or campaign in furtherance of any political party or political interests in South Africa. Doing so will lead to the ‘cessation’ (withdrawal) of refugee status;
- Any person whose refugee status has been withdrawn shall be dealt with as an illegal foreigner in terms of the provisions of the Immigration Act;
- Any person who intends to apply for asylum must declare his or her intention, while at a port of entry, before entering the Republic and provide his or her biometrics and other relevant data as required, including fingerprints, photograph, date of birth and age etc;
- An ‘asylum seeker visa’ will determine how long the refugee is allowed to remain in the country, what work they are allowed to do and where/if they may go to school;
- The minister may issue an order to immediately detain and remove any asylum seeker or refugee named as a threat to the republic.
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi states that, in the new act we expel you if you commit fraud because when you defraud documents, you destroy the sovereignty of the country and undermine everything Parliament has done.
— Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, Minister – Department of Home Affairs
Listen to the full interview below…
Home Affairs minister Aaron Motsoaledi has gazetted the Refugees Amendment Act, introducing a host of new rules for refugees and asylum seekers in South Africa.
The new legislation – which came into effect from 1 January – clamps down on these foreigners in a number of ways including where they may move and what activities they may partake in.
This includes:
- No refugee or asylum seeker may participate in any political activity or campaign in furtherance of any political party or political interests in South Africa. Doing so will lead to the ‘cessation’ (withdrawal) of refugee status;
- Any person whose refugee status has been withdrawn shall be dealt with as an illegal foreigner in terms of the provisions of the Immigration Act;
- Any person who intends to apply for asylum must declare his or her intention, while at a port of entry, before entering the Republic and provide his or her biometrics and other relevant data as required, including fingerprints, photograph, date of birth and age etc;
- An ‘asylum seeker visa’ will determine how long the refugee is allowed to remain in the country, what work they are allowed to do and where/if they may go to school;
- The minister may issue an order to immediately detain and remove any asylum seeker or refugee named as a threat to the republic.