Audio: Hospitals to get anti-snake venom soon – Health Minister assures

The Ministry of Health is making frantic efforts to restock hospitals, especially in the three Northern regions, with anti-snake serum.
The anti-snake serum which is the single most effective antidote for treating patients with snake bikes is in short supply across the country.
The vaccine is a programmed drug that is supposed to be administered for free but in most of the cases, passes through the system and end up in private hands somehow and sold to patients at cut-throat prices.
Ten people have reportedly died in the Upper West region due to the ineffectiveness of the anti-snake serum on the market.
Reacting to the unfortunate situation on Adom FM’s morning show, Dwaso Nsemprogramme Wednesday, Hon. Agyeman Manu said his outfit was working assiduously to restock the hospital.
He revealed that the Ministry had placed an order, saying he hoped that from next week, the serums will be available.
“We have ordered for 1000 anti-snake serums as an immediate measure whiles we conclude the procurement process,” the Health Minister stated.
He revealed that the health system needs a total of 50,000 anti-snake serums hence officials were “making frantic efforts to procure them to stock the hospitals”.
Source: Ghana|