AU restates support for Palestine amid Israeli bombardments on Gaza

At the time of filing this report, the Somali government was the sole African country to condemn Israeli bombardments on Palestinian city of Gaza.
But protests have also been held in South Africa against the Israeli attacks as part of growing global protests in support of the Palestinian cause and condemnation of Israeli aggression.
The African Union on Tuesday restated its support for the Palestinian cause in a statement whiles reminding Israel that its actions were against international laws.
Statement from the AU Commission chief
“The Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat strongly condemns the bombardments in the Gaza Strip that killed more than 21 Palestinians, and the violent attacks in the Al-Aqsa mosque committed by Israeli security forces against Palestinian worshippers wounding some 300 worshippers during the holy month of Ramadan.
“The Chairperson reiterates that the Israeli army’s actions, including the continued forced, illegal evictions of Palestinians from their homes in East Jeruslem, are in stark violation of international law and further heighten tensions in the region, complicating the search for a just and lasting solution.
“The Chairperson reiterates the continued strong support of the African Union with the Palestinian people in their legitimate quest for an independent and sovereign State with East Jerusalem as it’s capital.
“He further calls for renewed and genuine international efforts to find a just and lasting solution to the conflict, based on the existence of two States, Israel and Palestine, within the framework of the relevant African Union and United Nations pronouncements.
Al Jazeera report: Global protests against Israel
From New York and London to Karachi and Rabbat, thousands of people have gathered in big cities across the world to protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza.
Demonstrators on Tuesday also rallied to denounce the ongoing crackdown at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City, as well as Israeli plans to forcefully expel Palestinians from their homes in occupied East Jerusalem.
Some protesters carried banners reading “Free Palestine”, “Israel is a terrorist state”, and “Occupation No More”.
The Israeli raids on Gaza come after weeks of mounting tension over the looming forced expulsion of Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem that Jewish settlers have been trying to expel them from for decades.
The situation escalated when Israeli police stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City – the third-holiest site in Islam – and wounded hundreds of Palestinian worshippers during several days of violence.
Protests broke out across the occupied territories and inside Israel. The Palestinian faction Hamas, which governs Gaza, launched rockets towards Israel.
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