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Asuogyaman calls on Osei-Ameyaw to contest Parliament 2020



Scores of youth of Asuogyaman constituency are mounting pressure on Hon Dr. Osei Ameyaw, Chief Executive officer for National Lottery Authority to contest again for the parliamentary seat come 2020 general elections to help salvage the constituency from the litany of challenges suffocating residents.

Dr. Osei Ameyaw who is the former Member of Parliament for the constituency for the years 2004-2008 and 2012 and 2016 on the ticket of the New Patriotic Party NPP according to majority of the youth has what it takes to provide all the needed support for the constituency and amass votes for NPP in the next general elections.

Youth in the area made this call subsequent to the heat of challenges faced under the administration of the current MP Hon Thomas Nyarko which include the lack of social amenities and a high rate of unemployment among the youth. Some youth who spoke to this paper indicated that they feel uncomfortable in the constituency under the current administration since the MP has not been up to task in his parliamentary delivery at the district level.

The acting secretary for Asuogyaman Development Foundation Mr. Stephen Gyamfi speaking to THE PRESS RADIO newspaper disclosed that Hon Osei Ameyaw should consider a comeback since he has the track record as the only parliamentary candidate who was able to win parliamentary seat for NPP on two occasions even though the district is the stronghold of NDC.

He continued that Dr. Osei Ameyaw performed creditably well during his reign as the member of parliament for Asuogyaman constituency and that his Ewe and Akwamu ethnic background always favour his candidature considering the heterogeneous nature of the constituency in terms of ethnic representations.

For Mr. Stephen Gyamfi, the national executives of NPP should give him all the necessary push to facilitate his comeback since he has high chances of winning more presidential votes aside the parliamentary for the constituency.

He disclosed that NPP has never won a presidential election in the constituency since 1992, advising that the comeback of the NLA Boss will change the status quo to the advantage of NPP in the next general elections.

Source: Ghana/ Akonor

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