4 effective ways to quit masturbating as an addict

For a variety of reasons, the act is prevalent among adolescent children who are beginning to develop sexual urges and the youth.
While Dr. Paul Adu considers it a “normal part of every person’s sexuality,” he adds that “excessive masturbation can be harmful and affect your sexual life.”
In a Twitter educative section, Dr. Adu cited Dr. Chirag Bhandari, a sexologist in Jaipur, who once stated that a person who masturbates more than 21 times per month may experience masturbation side effects such as erectile dysfunction, performance dissatisfaction, decreased desire, and premature ejaculation.
Dr. Paul Adu hinted in a series of tweets on Wednesday, March 8, that while masturbation can be healthy, overdoing it or being addicted can be harmful and can sometimes cause guilt in addicts, affecting them psychologically.
In his tweet, the medical expert recommended four effective measures for people who want to overcome masturbation addiction.
1. Avoiding pornography: Exposure to pornography may trigger the desire to masturbate. If a person can place a barrier between themselves and pornography, it can help them break the habit.
2. Surrounding yourself with people: Some people may masturbate because they feel lonely or have nothing else to fill their time with. Spending less time alone reduces the opportunities to masturbate.
3. Developing hobbies: The excitement in some hobbies like playing videos games can make you get rid of the desire to masturbate
4. Going for a walk, and talking to people you can trust: Having a great time with friends to discuss issues and have fun can also help in stopping masturbation.