Astonished by my new Life in Christ yet Questioning my Past

‘At once, Paul began to preach.’ There was, however, a problem: his past.
The ninth chapter of the book of Acts tells us that all those who heard Paul were astonished and asked, isn’t he the man who raised havoc among those who call on the name?
Notice how their astonishment didn’t stop them from asking about his past. I believe you can find this pattern in your own life: those who know about your past life, although astonished by your new life in Christ, question it.
When do they stop questioning your past? That’s briefly what I want to look at in this article.
What makes me even think they are going to stop anyway? Well, I think because they stopped asking about Paul’s. With time, the question about his past faded away. What I noticed is that he was very much focused on his new life in Christ and the administration of God’s grace. I found consistency as a key factor in making sure people never ask about his past.
Source: Columnist Rex Krampa