Asiedu Nketiah reveals secrets about his ‘war smock’

The National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Johnson Asiedu has couched an identity for himself with the symbolic smocks he wears at virtually every major party event.
Among the numerous smocks he wears, there’s one particular smock he is noted for donning for some of these events.
The smock is a black one with party colours, which also contains emblems.
Speaking in an interview, he revealed that he often appears in this symbolic smock whenever there is a battle.
He explained at the National Delegates Congress, he chose to wear his symbolic smock to indicate his readiness for the battle – elections.
“I wear this type of costume occasionally, when the occasion demands. It is our traditional war battle dress, so when you are going into battle you wear it and you know I’m referred to as the General of NDC for a good reason because people think that whenever there is crisis, I am the one who is called upon to take the lead. Traditionally this is the regalia of a war general and so on occasion like this is the dress…,” he said.
Johnson Asiedu Nketiah has been elected National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress.
At the National Congress held on Saturday, December 17, 2022, Asiedu Nketiah secured 65.17% of the total vote cast to win the election.
His closest competitor, Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo polled just 33.81% of the total vote cast.
According to the Electoral Commission, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah garnered 5,569 while the incumbent Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo managed 2,892 votes.