Ashanti Region: Achiase JHS pupils take over chief’s palace over luck of classsrooms

The pupils of Achiase R/C Junior High school at Ejusu municipal area in the Ashanti region appeals to the chief of the community Nana Kwaku Duah over lack of adequate classrooms.
Pupils in primary six up to JHS 2 are forced to scramble for space with their teachers at the palace of Nana Kwaku Duah I, as the construction of a 6 unit classroom block which was started 10 years ago is yet to be completed.
Nana Kwaku Duah I, who spoke with Angel News’ Owusu Banahene when he visited the school, lamented the commitment of successive governments to seeing to the welfare of school children in his town.
He has therefore appealed to government to speedily resume work on the abandoned classroom block to make way for the pupils to study comfortably.
Some of the pupils who study at make shift classrooms in the chief’s palace also spoke with Owusu Banahene.

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