Armed robbers snatch taxi cab from driver at Buoho

A fifty-seven year old taxi driver, Akwasi Asamoh, has been robbed of his Daewoo Matiz taxi cab, with registration number GE-6640-22, at gun point at Sasa, near Buoho in the Afigya Kwabre South district in the Ashanti region.
The incident happened around 9:30pm on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, when he was hired by two men at Bantama to pick up made-in-Ghana footwear from Buoho to Metro Mass Transit yard at Abrepo junction.
Narrating his ordeal to Captain Koda, the host of Otec FM’s morning show ‘Nyansapo’ on Thursday, the grieving and down spirited victim said they also took away his mobile phone and an unspecified amount of money (his daily sales).
Two men, one wearing a nose mask, hired me from Bantama to convey footwear from Buoho to Metro Mass Transit yard at Abrepo junction. At Sasa, they told me to pull over at a dark place and they got down. They came back without the goods, told me to move the closer to them which I complied,” he said.
Continuing, he said “they told me to come closer, I became suspicious of their evil intents so I declined. One of them asked me for assistance to carry the goods into the taxi which also I declined.”
“All of a sudden one came and sat at the front seat, pulled out the car key, pushed me away and took control of the driver’s seat. The other person with the nose mask pointed a gun at me which I fearfully complied and they sped off with my Daewoo Matiz taxi,” he cried.
He added that when they were speeding off, he shouted at them which drew the attention of the community but their effort to stop them proved futile, after which he lodged a complaint to the police.
Source: Ghana/