Angry Automobile Dealers Union Ghana demands justification over ban on overaged second hand vehicles

Automobile Dealers Union Ghana are demanding an immediate justification of a statement made by the Majority leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu that government intends to ban the importation of overaged second hand vehicles.
The group who say the statement may not be the official position of government want the legislator to further clarify the source of his information and give details on the said decision.
They have also called on government to distant itself from the comment if it has no such plans.
While bemoaning the impact such acts will have on their businesses, secretary to the group, said they are willing to engage government on the issue as stakeholders in the industry.
The Union asked the majority leader to channel his concerns to the Driver and vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA),mandated by law to check the road Worthiness of vehicles rather than shifting the blame of accidents on roads to second hand imported vehicles.
Source:|Ghana|Dickson Boadi